Our "Report on the Survey of Multi-language Websites" was published on the front page of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, and "Global Sites Shorten the Distance between Japanese Companies and the World Market" is currently an ongoing feature at the ITmedia Enterprise website.
Mariko Ohsato, President & CEO, talks about global (foreign language) websites, which is the hottest topic at Arc Communications Inc. -
A look at the various services ? web production, translation and interpretation and temporary staff dispatch ? offered by Arc Communications with "Aim for glocal (global and local) business communications" as its motto.
In this issue, we talk to Masanori Itoh of the Translation/Localization Department. Masanori, who is proficient at languages, gives us the inside story on multiple-language translation projects.
We all wrote our wishes on paper strips, much in the way we did as children for the Tanabata Star Festival. Can you tell whose wish is whose?