


感じの良いレストランオーダー英語表現| 翻訳会社が送るニールのブログ『日本人だけのざんねんな英語・ボクが直します!』




(English version for international readers will follow the Japanese content)


想像してみてください。レストランのスタッフはあなたのテーブルに近寄って "Are you ready to order?" と尋ねます。ローストチキンをください、と伝えるには、どういえばいいのかな?

"I want the roast chicken."

"Give me the roast chicken."

"The roast chicken, please."

丁寧なオーダー表現 "Can/Could I have..."

では、もっと丁寧な表現から学びましょう。まずは "Can I have" や "Can I get" があります。
"Can I have the roast chicken?"
"Can we get the check, please?"

'Can' の代わりに 'could' とも言えます。'Could' のほうがより礼儀正しいですが、レストランのお客さんは 'can' を使っても構わないと思います。

他にも "I would like" があります。普段は口語で "I'd like" に省略されます。
"I'd like a glass of orange juice to start, please".「とりあえずオレンジジュースを一杯ください。」

ちなみに、アメリカ英語ではお会計を 'check' と言うが、イギリス英語などでは 'bill' が好まれます。



この場合は、より丁寧なお願いの表現 'could I...' を使ったほうがいいと思います。
"Could I get the hamburger without onions?"「オニオンなしのハンバーガーができますか。」

特別な依頼などには、気兼ねしてる感じを出したいですよね。とてもうまい言い方は "Would it be possible to" です。
"Would it be possible to get this with ketchup instead of mustard?" 「マスタードの代わりにケチャップにしてもらうことって可能でしょうか?」



日本ではレストランでスタッフに向かって「すみませ~ん!」と叫ぶのを見かけますが、欧米のレストランで同じことをしようとして "Excuse me!" や "Hey!" と叫ぶのは失礼な態度になりえます。代わりに、スタッフと目を合わせて軽くうなずいたりほほえんだり合図しましょう。



"That was wonderful. Thank you."
"Thank you. I really enjoyed the meal."


Enjoy your meal!




Bringing Your Manners To The Table

Going out to eat and ordering a nice meal in a restaurant is a pleasant experience. Ordering in a foreign country in a foreign language may be less pleasant, especially when you are not sure what to say. What is the most appropriate language to use when dealing with orders and requests in restaurants and cafés? And more importantly, what is not appropriate? Let's look at some common mistakes made when ordering.

So, picture this. The server at the restaurant comes up to your table and asks "Are you ready to order?". You've decided on the roast chicken. What do you say?
"I want the roast chicken."
This sounds too direct and unfriendly.
"Give me the roast chicken."
This is a definite no! It's demanding and sounds like you are treating your server like a slave.
"The roast chicken, please."
This is safer, but in English, much like in Japanese, we prefer to use more roundabout requests.

So, let's look at some more proper phrases. We'll start with "Can I have" and "Can I get".
"Can I have the roast chicken?"
"Can we get the check, please?"
Note: While in American English, 'check' is often used, other English-speaking countries generally say 'bill'.
It's also possible to replace 'can' with 'could'. This is generally considered more polite, but in a restaurant context, I think it's still perfectly polite to use 'can'.
Another phrase to use is "I would like", which is commonly contracted in spoken English to I'd like".
"I'd like a glass of orange juice to start, please".

Although not very common in Japan, in Western countries it's usually possible to make unusual requests, such as changing an ingredient in your order. In this case, I recommend using 'could'.
"Could I get the hamburger without onions?"
A very nice way to phrase your special request is using "Would it be possible to".
"Would it be possible to get this with ketchup instead of mustard?"

Another point of manner to be aware of is when trying to get the server's attention from across the room. While in Japan, it's common to shout "Excuse me" to get attention, this is not considered mannerly in many Western countries. Instead, try to make eye contact and nod and smile gently to signal to the server that you need them. If that doesn't work, try raising your hand with an open palm. Be careful not to point or click your fingers, as this is rude and demeaning to waiting staff.

Finally, if you want to thank the staff for the meal, there are different phrases you can use.
"That was wonderful. Thank you."
"Thank you. I really enjoyed the meal."
Don't forget that in certain countries, tipping is preferred or even required. Some restaurants will explicitly place a service charge on your bill, but in other cases it's up to you to decide. Try to research the area's tipping customs so that you won't upset any waiting staff.

Enjoy your meal!

Neill McKeever


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