


インフルエンザは「街の流行」!?/「流行ってる」を正しく表現しよう!| 翻訳会社が送るニールのブログ『日本人だけのざんねんな英語・ボクが直します!』






(English version for international readers will follow the Japanese content)

ポジティブな流行 'in fashion'


"Recently this influenza is... in fashion...?"

In fashion? そんなに好ましくないことなのに、どうしてその発言?と僕は思いました。

「流行する」「流行っている」を辞書で調べると、'in fashion' という言葉も出てきますが、これは見た目のファッションの流行です。

インフルエンザなどの伝染を 'in fashion' というと、人気があってみんなインフルエンザを真似したいような意味合いです。でもみんなマスクをして防御しているのを見ると、全く逆でしょう?

インフルエンザの流行には "spread" を使います。

× "Influenza is in fashion." 「インフルエンザが流行しています。」
〇 "Influenza is spreading." 「インフルエンザが流行しています。」

'in fashion' の正しい使い方は:

"Red is in fashion this season."「今シーズンは赤色が流行している。」

もう流行らなくなるときは 'out of fashion' とも言います。

良くも悪くも目の前の流行 'trend'

'fashion' と同じ意味で「流行っている」に使うのは 'trend' という言葉です。

特にインターネットの人気なニュースなどには 'trend' を使う人が多いです。ツイッターなどに目を通せば、今何が世間で話のネタかすぐにわかるはずです。それを 'trend' と言います。大体は今日/今週のニュースなど、寿命が長くない流行を指します。

"Halloween is trending on Twitter today!"「ツイッターでハロウィーンが今日のトレンドだ!」

でも 'in fashion' と 'trend' が違うのは、'in fashion' は積極的な意味合いで使うのが普通なのに対して、'trend' はそれ以外に良くも悪くもない「流れ」に使われます。例えば:

"There is a trend towards globalisation." 「グローバル化への傾向がある。」




装飾用より、実用的な理由で多くの人が使うものだから明らかに 'in fashion' ではありません。

'trend' かな?でもこれは寿命の短い流行に対して使います。日本人のマスク好きはそんなにすぐに無くならないはずですね。

一番簡単に言うには、'common' を使いましょう。

"Face masks are common in Japan." 「日本ではフェイスマスクは一般的です。」





Diseases Are Trending!

Face masks are an interesting part of Japanese culture! Although Japanese people often wear face masks, this is not something that Western people ever do. It never really kicked off in the west, and if you wore a mask walking down the street, people would turn their heads and wonder what kind of serious illness you are carrying! Many Westerners don't realise that Asian people wear masks for many practical reasons. One of those is to help prevent from catching viruses such as the flu... which reminds me of a funny situation.

Once in class, a student was telling me about the recent influenza scare and uttered the following.
"Recently this influenza is... in fashion...?"
In fashion? I think it's not something people are itching to get! When we talk about illness or disease, we often use the verb "spread".
"This strain of influenza is spreading."「この型のインフルエンザが流行っています。」
I imagine that the student had once before looked up the Japanese word (流行る) and learned the translation "in fashion". Learners should be very careful of how to use this word properly in English, however.

The phrase "in fashion" of course originally relates to fashion, such as styles that are popular right now, for example:
"Red is in fashion this season."「今シーズンは赤色が流行している。」
As the phrase suggests, many people are choosing to wear red this season, because red is the popular choice. Therefore, saying that influenza is in fashion means it is also a popular choice. Uhm, I think all those Japanese people wearing masks say the opposite!
Only liked things come into fashion, but because things can't stay in fashion forever, they sooner or later fall "out of fashion".
"Jeans may never go out of fashion."「ジーンズは一切流行から外れないだろう。」

Another common word that shares the same meaning is the word "trend". This has especially become popular recently in the digital age, such as to describe what people are talking a lot about on the Internet. Sites like Twitter have trending sections, where you can see what people are talking about and sharing there. It's generally for something short-lived.
"Halloween is trending on Twitter today!"「ツイッターでハロウィーンが今日のトレンドだ!」
Is "trend" only a good thing, though? It's often used in the same sense as "in fashion", but it can also be used neutrally to mean what is a popular topic now, which may or not be something positive.
"There is a trend towards globalisation." 「グローバル化への傾向がある。」
Whether this is something positive or not, that's your opinion!

But what about face masks themselves? What kind of expression should we use to talk about them? Surely, they're not "in fashion", because people wear them for mostly practical uses, rather than decorative? Are they "trending"? Perhaps not, because that suggests that they are not going to be here for long. Face masks are here to stay, so you can simply say
"Face masks are common in Japan." 「日本ではフェースマスクは通常です。」
So, choose your phrases wisely!

Neill McKeever


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