


残念なカタカナ英語「メイクアップ」/間違いを 'make up' しましょう!?| 翻訳会社が送るニールのブログ『日本人だけのざんねんな英語・ボクが直します!』

残念なカタカナ英語「メイクアップ」/間違いを 'make up' しましょう!?





"I make up every day." 「私は毎日メイクをします。」
"I don't like her make." 「彼女のメイクは好きじゃない。」


(English version for international readers will follow the Japanese content)


お化粧の「メイク」を英語で 'make' と訳すと意味が全く通じません。'make'は単に「作る」という動詞なのです。

"I don't like her make." ×「彼女のメイクは好きじゃない。」

これだけでは何を言っているのか、ネイティブにはわかりません。必ず名詞の 'makeup' を使いましょう。日本語でもおなじみ「メイクアップ」という意味です。

makeup はアメリカ英語、
make-up はイギリス英語のスペルです。


"I make up every day." ×「私は毎日メイクをします。」

じつは、これも通じません。動詞 'make + up' はそれ自体で特定の意味があるわけではなく、文章次第でいろいろな意味にとれます。

ケンカの仲直りをするのも 'make + up'
言い訳などをでっちあげるのも 'make + up'
借りを返すのも 'make + up' を使います。

ですので、動詞 'make + up' ではなく、名詞の 'makeup' を他の動詞と一緒に使いましょう。


「服を着る」「アクセサリーを付ける」「靴を履く」など、英語ではみんな 'wear'。したがって「化粧をする」も同じです。(日本語はアイテムや身体の部分次第でいろいろな動詞を使いますけどね!)

"I wear makeup every day." 「私は毎日メイクをします。」
"She's not wearing makeup." 「彼女はメイクしていない。」

'wearing makeup' と同じ意味でネイティブがよく会話で言うのは 'have makeup on' です。名詞 'makeup' は必ず 'have' と 'on' の間に置きます

"I hope it doesn't rain. I have makeup on!"「雨が降らないといい。化粧が崩れるから!」

化粧を顔につけることなら、言葉遣いがちょっと変わります。よく使う動詞なら 'put on' フォーマルな感じの 'apply' もあります。

"She put on makeup before her boyfriend arrived."「彼女は彼氏が来る前メークをした。」
"I'm going to apply some blusher to your cheeks." 「チークを頬につけてあげましょう。」


最後に、寝る前に化粧 'makeup' をとる時間です!でもどんな動詞を使うべきなのかな?一番よく使うのは 'take off' です。

"I hate taking off my makeup when I'm exhausted." 「くたびれたらメークをとるのがいやだ。」

'Apply' の反意語としては 'remove' と言います。

"Use these facial wipes to remove makeup."「この顔ワイプを使って化粧をとりなさい。」


"Put on your coat! You'll freeze to death!"「コートを着なさい!凍死するよ!」
"Please remove shoes before entering."「お上がりの際は靴を脱いでください。」
"I felt hot, so I took off my sweater."「暑かったからセーターを脱いだ。」

'Apply' は化粧だけ...おっと、もう一つ使えます。僕もお世話になってるアイテム、コンタクトレンズです。目に入れるものなので、'put on' と 'take off' ではなく 'put in' と 'take out' と言います。





Can You Use Makeup?

Men tend to have it easier when it comes to getting dressed, and we don't need makeup either. As a man, I don't really buy accessories, but it doesn't mean I don't use them! As my eyes are poor, I need to wear glasses, but I prefer to wear contact lenses, so I usually only wear my glasses in the mornings and evenings. One thing I know little about is makeup, however. It's not often that students talk to me about it, but sometimes it comes up in conversation. What's more, it's more troublesome than it seems; at least in terms of expressing it in English.

"I make up every day."
"I don't like her make."
These are some examples of odd ways to use makeup in a sentence. Before we look at the corrections, let's go back to talking about accessories. In my early days of study Japanese, I remember having to learn different words for applying clothes and accessories to different parts of the body. In English, it is much simpler! For anything, we can just use the word "wear". Therefore, we use it for makeup too.
"I wear makeup every day."「私は毎日化粧をします。」
"She's not wearing makeup."「彼女はメークをしていない。」
Also, the verb "use" is possible.
"I use just a little foundation."「ファンデーションをちょっとだけ塗っています。」

The actual process of applying makeup requires some different language. The most common verb is "put on".
"She put on makeup before her boyfriend arrived."「彼女は彼氏が到着する前にメークをした。」
We also say "apply", which is perhaps a little formal.
"I'm going to apply some blusher to your cheeks."「チークを頬につけてあげましょう。」
Be careful between using "wear" and "put on" in their present progressive tenses. They do not have the same meaning. Note the following difference:
"She is putting on makeup." - 彼女はメークしている最中であることを表します。
"She is wearing makeup." - 彼女がすっぴんではなく化粧しているという状態を表します。
In the same sense as "wearing", "have on" is also used a lot by natives. However, this verb has a progressive meaning, we don't add '-ing'. The noun must also be placed between 'have' and 'on'
"I hope it doesn't rain. I have makeup on!"「雨が降らないといい。化粧が崩れるから!」

Finally, it's time to remove that makeup before you fall asleep! What verbs do we need this time? The most common one in spoken language is "take off".
"I hate taking off my makeup when I'm exhausted." 「くたびれたらメーク落としが面倒だ。」
As an antonym to "apply", the word is "remove".
"Use these facial wipes to remove makeup."「この拭き取りコットンを使って化粧を落としなさい。」
Those are the processes of wearing makeup! But perhaps, it feels like a lot to learn? Well, let me give you some helpful advice.

Almost all of the verbs that you learned here are not only used for make up, but all clothes and accessories.
"Put on your coat! You'll freeze to death!"「コートを着なさい!凍死するよ!」
"Please remove shoes before entering."「お上がりの際は靴を脱いでください。」
"I felt hot, so I took off my sweater."「暑かったからセーターを脱いだ。」
One exception here is "apply", which can only be used for makeup. Another exception are contact lenses. As they enter into the eye, we don't say "put on" and "take off", but "put in" and "take out". Other verbs are the same, however!

We still need to look at one more mistaken phrase. It may be common to say "make" (メーク) in Japanese, but saying that in English causes an array of problems! "I don't like her make" has no meaning to English speakers. The only word to use is "makeup", which can also be spelled as "make-up" in British English.

I hope this has been useful for male and female readers alike. That was probably the most in-depth that I've written about makeup... and probably that I ever will!

Neill McKeever


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